04. 10. 2011.

The Cutest Sneeze In The World

I thought The Cutest Sneeze In The World is only this card's title - but it is in fact a series of comic cat cards just as cute as this one :) There is a set of 30 cards, and i wouldnt mind getting hold of the remaining 29 heh. It is so well depicted, like i'm watching my own two buggers sneezing! ahh so cute, how can you not love them...
The artist behind it is Jeffrey Brown, an american comic book writer. His superhero-parody Bighead sounds like something worth checking :)
Thank you Eileen/gran7 for this gem, and Thomas' friend Percy on the stamp ;)

3 komentara:

  1. jedan prijatelj iz Amerike me skoro iznenadio s ovim razglednicama...imam ih pet do sad...do 30 imam još dosta, al možda uspem da ih sve skupim...baš su mi štosni...a i u svakoj od njih tražim na kog mog mačora me podseća :)

  2. juzerica koja mi je ovu poslala ih ima za razmjenu :) samo joj je wishlist malo zafrkan..!
