As usual, falling behind with updates...but the odyssey is almost over, and last thoughts on the postcard world of 'my' South America are in order..!
Bolivia was more of a challenge, and Paraguay was very much so! If you ever go to Bolivia, remember that the main post office in La Paz has postcard shops that are absolutely BRILLIANT, both in choice and price :) can't beat it anywhere else in the country -don't even try heh.
Paraguayan prices were altogether a bit shocking; but as I later found out, not as shocking as Colombia..! The best choice of postcards was in the Tourist Office in Asuncion (well, almost being the only choice!). I have sent a few from Concepcion, where an extremely friendly lady has helped me choose some pretty cool stamps :)))
Colombia...I have sent ONE postcard - it better arrive!
Brilliant postcards, even more brilliant stamps in a gift shop in Cartagena (an absolutelly brilliant town!) I will await the arrival of this one with great emotions...fingers crossed :)