01. 10. 2011.

Diamond-Back Rattlesnake

This amazing creature arrived from Serbia although its not native there; rattlesnakes populate the Americas.
There are 32 known species of this group of venomous snakes - the picture shows the Diamond-Back Rattlesnake, which can be the eastern or the western kind (the eastern seems to have darker patterns though).
I am very thankful for this card as it seems harder than imagined to get hold of snake cards..!
Hvala Renato :))

1 komentar:

  1. stvarno te trebam upoznati s tog mog veterinara, da mu ideš u goste....mislim da ne bi izašla odatle kad upoznaš tu njegovu kolekciju :)

    ja sam samo jednom dobila ovakvu razglednicu, i to verovala il ne, kao RAS...stvarno još ne znam kako to da shvatim :)

    nego, ako dolaziš u Makedoniji, tad batali i Skoplje i Ohrid nego pravac http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem_Grad
