20. 07. 2011.

Map Of Bermuda

My 1st w&s card from Bermuda, thanks to Ash :)
Bermuda is a British overseas territory in the Atlantic, off the east coast of the United States (North carolina being the nearest state). It was discovered in 1505 and settled by England in 1609, making it the oldest and most populous remaining British overseas territory. It covers the area of 53.2 square meters and current population is ca 68000. The capital is Hamilton, the currency Bermudian Dollar.
I am again amazed Ash keeps managing to find maps for me! :))

2 komentara:

  1. kako je grdnaaa, ja baš ne bih volio da dobijem razglednicu sa Bermude. Ne, ne. :P

    Aaaaa, oću i ja jednuuu :D Ash ima dobar ukus što se tiče odabira razglednica. :D Avaka mu čast đe sve stiže. O.o

  2. haha a dobro san ga istrenirala :)
    da se baren negdin stacionirao otkad ima 'stalni' posa da može slati RAS-ove ali alas to se dogodilo tek sad na Floridi...
