17. 04. 2012.

YOTD - Serbia

The last - but by no means the least! - of the dragon cards+stamps is this gem of a maxi-card from Serbia. Thank you so much Achi! Ana told me she bought only a few of these, and after a few days she went back to get more - and they were all gone! I feel a bit guilty cos she didnt even manage to get the set for herself :/ there are two maxi-cards in the set and the other one is equally gorgeous <3
Još jednom, hvala Anchi!!

2 komentara:

  1. Predivno! Srbijanske markice su stvarno predivne!

    Vrhunska ti je ova kolekcija YOTD, prelijepe su markice. Šteta što Pošta CG ne izdaje takve markice...

    E da, da ti se izvinim što ti ne odgovaram na komentare na mom blogu - moj internet kući mi zadaje prave muke, pa je mučenje otvoriti ono polje za komentarisanje. Čudi me da sam uspio da ga otvorim sad na tvom. :D

  2. stvarno jesu, naj od cile ex juge :) možda se crna gora jednog dana domisli napraviti markice s kineskim horoskopom, ka i hrvatska nakon toliko godina :)
